Installation Directions

If this installation were to be featured in a gallery, there would need to be specific instructions on how to set up this installation if I was not there. There are definitely some key components to this installation that would need to go right in order for this project to look correct. First of all, the two "Grave" pits would need to be placed down next to each other. You drop the two bins first, then gently lay the grave plots on top of the bins. They stay in place because of the front base. Next, you fill each grave with the designated props, each in their own bag with the year labeled (15, 16, 17, 18). After everything is in place, you put the projector in the taped off area and plug it in. Connect the projector to my computer and open Mad Mapper. Open "Final Installation" on the desktop and set the mirror display to full screen, and let it run baby!


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